Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's This Blog About?

I have many passions I would have alot of fun blogging about; adoption, home remodeling, bicycling, family, weather, landscaping, or travel. However the core of my life has always revolved around God and His church. God has created within me a passion for Him. He has taken my life on a unique journey that has given me experience after experience where I am confronted full on with His power and majesty. I want others to know and chew on who our God is, what He is up to, and where He is going.

However I am a pathetic mess. I would love nothing more than to get everyone around me to say "Hey, Tim is amazing and so impressive." I am an incredibly shy introvert that loves to draw attention to myself. Yea... welcome to my world of bizarre contradictions. So from the start I have to put in a footnote (so that I can remind myself) that I want to bring glory to God, not myself.

With that it begins...